Is The Worst Over ?

According to the US administration, the worst of the recession has passed.

Is this true ?

Not according to major economic indicators.

Unemployment, manufacturing, shipping volumes,exports,imports, and consumer confidence are at alarming levels.

What does this mean ?

It means that those companies who conduct themselves as though it is business as usual will be left outside looking in. Even worse many of them won’t survive  the current economic climate.

Who will survive and prosper ?

Those companies that will be able to reduce costs without reducing their ability to service their  customer. Those companies that can provide added value to assist their clients in being successful. Those companies that can remain flexible to expand and/or contract instantly.

Express Mobile Storage Solutions is here to assist you in all of the above areas.

Over the next few weeks we will outline in our blog the variety of areas where we can help you succeed immediately.

Stay tuned !

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